Nov 26, 2014

Pray For Our Leaders

I know that I sometimes rub people the wrong way with my commentaries on political issues, I wish I had 'smoother edges' but I don't. I have always felt that free citizens, if they desire to remain free, should be ready & willing to speak out. I don't hate any government entities or any individuals in any government position; to the contrary I believe that government is ordained by God.
I try to pray for our leaders/government officials daily, which in these unsettled and troubled times can be very difficult. When I feel bitterness or anger over some of the ungodly actions and decisions made by people in authority I try to remember this scripture:

PSALM 51:10(KJV) Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

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I am a Conservative Christian who believes that America answers to no one but GOD.