Sep 30, 2015

Assault on American Christians

And so it begins, an American Christian, Kim Davis, who is a circuit court clerk in Rowan County Kentucky, has been imprisoned simply because she would not renounce her religious beliefs. Ms. Davis has refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. No so called same-sex couple has had their rights infringed upon, there are 119 other counties in the Commonwealth of Kentucky where they can receive a license from the county clerk’s office, Ms. Davis has simply been targeted and made a public example by the homosexual movement and the liberal national media. Ms. Davis didn’t even ignore the law, she ignored a decision by the Supreme Court which itself ignored the laws and constitutions of more than thirty states that had already decided by legal methods that the only legitimate marriage is between one man and one woman. This is only the beginning, soon we will see Pastors and Church leaders who are willing to stand by their beliefs led away to prison. I remember years ago when the militant homosexual movement begin to gain publicity the heartfelt message was ‘We just want to be free to love who we choose.’ Now it’s clear what their real desire is, stand against us and you will be publicly vilified, lose your job and go to jail.
  As a government official Ms. Davis had an example to follow from another government official, President Barrack Obama. When the homosexual movement pushed their case into the Supreme Court to have DOMA(Defense of Marriage Act) overturned President Obama was obligated by his oath of office to have the Attorney General’s office defend the federal law in the case. However, he directed then Attorney General Eric Holder to file a brief in support of striking down the law. When it was pointed out to him in a news conference that DOMA had been approved overwhelmingly by Congress and signed into law by Bill Clinton, his self-serving response was, “Yes, but it’s a bad law.”
  Ms. Davis may receive boldness from a similar situation over 2,000 years ago, when Peter and John were brought before government officials and ordered to remain silent on their Christian beliefs they gave this response, Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, "We ought to obey God rather than men."(ACTS 5:29 KJV). They were severely beaten and released, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name.

Jeff Catron
Kermit, Virginia

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I am a Conservative Christian who believes that America answers to no one but GOD.